Project Overview
This project consists of the implementation of tolled express lanes along the SR 826/Palmetto Expressway, in both directions, from West Flagler Street to north of NW 154 Street and along I-75 from SR 826/Palmetto Expressway to NW 170 Street in Miami-Dade County. The project is approximately 13 miles in length and will provide continuity to the I-75 Express Lanes project by FDOT District Four, from NW 170 Street in Miami-Dade County to I-595 in Broward County.
The purpose of the project as envisioned in the emerging South Florida Express Lanes network is to improve mobility, relieve congestion, provide additional travel options, accommodate future growth and development in the region, and improve system connectivity between key limited access facilities in South Florida: SR 826, I-75, SR 924, Florida's Turnpike, I-595, and SR 869/Sawgrass Expressway.
Tolled express lanes will be incorporated along the study corridor with moderate widening of the SR 826/Palmetto Expressway mainline. The proposed express lanes along the Palmetto Expressway will be physically separated with express lanes markers from the toll-free traffic lanes. The express lanes along I-75 have been constructed in the median. It is anticipated that the project will be contained within the existing public right-of-way. Overall improvements under consideration include:
- One to two tolled express lane in each direction along the Palmetto Expressway, from W. Flagler Street to north of NW 154 Street, and one tolled express lane in each direction along I-75 from the Palmetto Expressway to NW 170 Street
- Construction of a new flyover connecting the SR 826/Palmetto and I-75 express lanes.
- Access points to/from the express lanes system
- Ramp Metering at all entrance ramps along the Palmetto Expressway
- Installation of noise barrier walls at specific locations along I-75
- New lighting along the I-75 express lanes
The Project Development and Environment phase has been completed. The Location and Design Concept Acceptance (LDCA) was granted in January 2013. The project was let for the Design/Build Phase on November 21, 2013. Construction started on March 31, 2014 and is anticipated to end in early 2019. The anticipated date for the opening of the Express Lanes will be in early 2019.
The preliminary construction cost estimate is approximately $262 million. The Department will deliver this project as Design-Build.
The Financial Management Number for the I-75/Palmetto Express lanes project in Miami-Dade County is 432687-1-52-01.

Gianna Angles, Community Outreach Specialist - Construction Project
Phone: (786) 676-5515|E-mail:
Rodolfo Roman, Public Information Project Coordinator
Phone: (305) 640-7437|E-mail:
Enmanuel “Manny” Espinal, M.S.E.M., P.E., Resident Engineer - Special Projects
Phone: (305) 807-2481|E-mail: